
How to Manage Success without It Going to Your Head

November 16, 2019

Imagine you’ve accomplished something great – it may be a job promotion, closing that seemingly elusive deal, or winning the improbable election, and now you’re on top of the world. It took blood, sweat, and tears to get where you are. You’ve earned it.

The problem for many people is that when they get to the top of the mountain, they fall off the other side. Why? One word: Pride. They become conceited, thinking their success was all their doing, and they can do no wrong. They start to feel self-important, develop a sense of entitlement, and stop listening to others.

Relationships are broken, teams are destroyed, and organizational potential is capped because of pride. So, how do you handle success and avoid the pitfalls of pride? If you want to learn the answer, I invite you to continue reading…

For every 100 people who can handle adversity, only one can handle success. Why?

The Bible says, “The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in the fire; The purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame.” (Proverbs 27.21 – The Message)

Success reveals your character. When you achieve great things, become rich, famous, or powerful, you begin to think that you’re “all that.” You are prone to become vain and scornful as you soak up the glory. But pride comes before a fall.

So, how do you handle success? How do you avoid becoming arrogant and not falling? Here are eight ways to manage fame, prosperity, or victory and self-reflection questions to help evaluate your character…

  1. Acknowledge. Know that God’s the one that’s gifted you and provided the opportunity to do well. Transfer honor to God. Point people to the gift giver, not the gift. Regarding success, do you acknowledge God’s provision privately and publicly?
  2. Humility. Be modest, self-effacing, and unpretentious. Keep quiet about your achievements and allow others to point to you. If your win came at the expense of someone else, be empathetic to their loss or taste of failure. Regarding success, are you keeping your ego in check by not showing off, understating your accomplishments, and continuing listening to others?
  3. Gratitude. Express appreciation to God for your success. Value God and all that he’s has done in your life. Lift a heart full of praise and worship to Him. Regarding success, do you express your gratitude to God?
  4. Respect. Think highly of your family and friends. Treat them well. Be trusting and trustworthy. Don’t forget those closest to you are often the ones who helped you get where you are today. Regarding success, has your respect for those around you grown?
  5. Alert. Be watchful for anything that may blemish your reputation. Stay on your toes, guard your heart, and avoid temptation. Regarding success, are you on the alert for anything that will stain your character and discredit your accomplishments?
  6. Enlarge. Be diligent to improve yourself continuously. Don’t rest on your laurels or become complacent. Look for ways to grow yourself and others. Innovate, take risks, learn something new. Aim for greatness, not mediocrity. Reach your potential. Regarding success, have you stopped learning, become distracted, and settled for being average?
  7. Generosity. Invest your time, talents, and resources to benefit others. Be selfless. Go a step beyond expectations. Regarding success, what steps have you taken to be kind, attentive to others’ needs, and giving?
  8. Accountability. Keep your life on track by putting appropriate public and personal controls in place. Open yourself to at least one person you can trust and allow them to ask tough questions about your secret thought life. Let them probe and be honest with your answers. Check your motive. Without accountability, you may fall into unethical or immoral behaviors and, ultimately, into corruption. With it, you’ll remain in check, maintain your integrity, and continue to build upon your success. Regarding success, do you have someone you meet with regularly, allow them to ask you tough questions, and are honest with yourself?

The Bottom Line – If you transfer the praise of others to God, you’ll remain praiseworthy.

Do you want to discover more about becoming a grounded and inspirational leader? Visit my website,, today!



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Resentment: Four Ways to Let Go and Move On

March 16, 2018

Our manager, Kevin, suddenly charged into the room and sat down at the conference table.

“Okay, let’s see what you’ve got!” he exclaimed.

“Hi, Kevin. How are you today?” I said with a smile, trying to lighten his mood and begin our meeting on a positive note.

Kevin replied, “I don’t have time today for small talk. Let’s go through your presentation and determine the next steps.”

Over the next 15 minutes, Peter, my teammate, and I presented three different promotional displays to Kevin. We discussed the construction, benefits, and potential cost of each display. Kevin seemed to like the options and asked how we could gain national customer team feedback.

The conversation came up once before, and I recommended using an internet survey. Kevin turned it down the first time. During this discussion, I thought I’d revisit the survey option. After I mentioned it, Kevin shook his head and said, “Nope, already rejected.”

I gently pushed back and asked him to reconsider. I began my response with, “I don’t mean to challenge you, but….”

Not good. As soon as the words left my mouth, Kevin’s face turned red; he slammed his computer shut and shouted: “But you are challenging me, and I don’t appreciate it!” Throwing a tantrum, he got up and began to walk out of the room. Wanting to solve the issue, I followed him out the door. I asked Kevin to wait a moment and told him that I was just trying to make a suggestion. I told him I didn’t appreciate being treated that way, especially in front of a team member.

Kevin said, “Are you going to confront me in the hallway right now?”

“No,” I said, staring at the floor. He told me we’d talk later and walked away. I went home deflated.

The following day, Kevin called me into his office. When I arrived, he asked me to sit down. Then he said, “I am going to tell you some things, and you cannot respond.”

I looked at him inquisitively and thought, “I’m in for it; this can’t be good.” He was about to give me feedback. He told me that he wanted me to think about it and then we’d talk again. So, I sat in silence, ready to listen.

“Preston, I was relatively easy on you yesterday. Other executives would have torn you to shreds.”

“Really?” I thought to myself.

“You’re not helping me, you’re not being a team player, and you don’t listen well. You’ve got to change, or you’ll be out of a job.” I held my tongue, honoring his request, and thanked him for the feedback.

I walked away from the conversation madder than a hornet. I was highly offended. I’d worked very hard, accomplished so much, but Kevin always marginalized me. Kevin retaliated by implying my job was in jeopardy. A molehill was made into a mountain, and I resented Kevin for it. As a matter of fact, I resented Kevin and his management style for the two years I worked on his team. My constant feelings of bitterness were taking their toll. What was I going to do?

All leaders experience resentment from time to time. What is resentment? It’s an emotion that wells up inside when you feel like you’ve been mistreated or offended. Hard feelings, frustration or anger, can come from any number of sources, including not gaining someone’s respect, not receiving appreciation for a job well done, not being assigned to a special project, being passed over for a promotion, an unspoken apology, or rejection. Resentment is the most toxic of all emotions because it can lead to anger, hate, discord, divorce, aggressive driving, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, bankruptcy, and even violence.

If you hold a grudge against someone, the bitterness will fester inside and eventually destroy you. It begins as an emotional trigger and, if harbored, will become a mood impacting behavior. Resentment is a heavy burden you carry, affecting your relationships and health. As the adage goes, “Bitterness is the poison one swallows as he or she hopes the other person dies.”

If resentment is so dangerous, what is the antidote? Forgiveness. If you forgive someone, you stop blaming him or her for the offense. You let go and move on. The Bible says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV)

How do you forgive someone? Employ the four steps to forgiveness:

  1. Acknowledge your anger, then drop it and move on. It’s okay to be angry but don’t allow it to last. Let go of the anger when offended or wronged by someone. Don’t harbor it. Anger can lead to hate and violence. Resentment will break you unless you break it first. Put down the poison and move on.
  2. Stand in their shoes. Realize that everyone is perfectly imperfect. The Christian leader remembers God forgave them, and that same mercy should be shown to others.
  3. Respond with good, not revenge. Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling. Ask God to change your heart and enable you to return the offense with a positive reaction. Practice the Golden Rule – do to others as you’d have them do to you. Remember, love is patient, kind, and doesn’t seek its own way.
  4. Pray. Ask God to forgive you and enable you to forgive the one who offended you.

Admittedly, I’ve struggled with resentment for years. I often dwell on circumstances and people when I feel disenfranchised, demoralized, or undignified. In the above story, I let my manager get the best of me. I should have taken responsibility for my words and actions. I didn’t need to challenge Kevin after he’d made a decision or chase him into the hallway to confront him. I needed to exercise more self-control and give him space. It would have been better if I’d approached him later, apologized, and asked how I could help; personal leadership lessons learned that I applied to future situations.

The good news is that I recognized the impact bitterness was having on me and those around me. I discovered that the best antidote to resentment is forgiveness. I let go of my grudge, and my well-being improved tremendously; I no longer felt the weight of bitterness. I found that my mental outlook improved, relationships healed, and I felt much better.

How about you? Do you resent someone? Are you holding a grudge? If so, how is it impacting you? What will happen if you continue holding on to the resentment? Are you willing to forgive the individual? Why not forgive that someone today? If you do, your well-being will improve, your relationships will heal, and you’ll be a more successful leader.

Want to learn more about becoming a leader others will gladly follow? Visit my website,, today!



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Preston Poore

I’m a disciple of Christ and an executive at a Fortune 500 Company. In my blog, The Discipled Leader, I draw on my diverse business experience to help Christians connect their secular and spiritual lives at work.

As a certified coach, speaker, and trainer with the John Maxwell Team, I help others grow their relationship with Christ, develop their leadership skills, and understand how they can make a positive difference in today’s chaotic world.

Let me help you reach your potential.

I draw on my diverse business experience to help Christians connect their secular and spiritual lives at work. I invite you to subscribe to my blog and learn how to develop Christlike character, influence your culture and change your world.

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