Finding Your Voice: A Journey of Discovery and Expression

Discovering your unique voice is akin to my beagle Bonnie finding her bark. It’s about embracing who you are, what you believe, and how you communicate those beliefs to the world. My journey took me from mimicking leadership gurus to developing my own principles and stories. Through writing, blogging, and podcasting, I learned to express my thoughts and shape my voice. Join me as I share the steps to find and refine your own voice, and understand why authenticity resonates deeply with others. Dive into the full article to explore how you can connect, inspire, and lead with your unique voice.

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Comedy Is Serious Business

My heart raced as adrenaline pumped through my body. l felt like thoroughbred entering the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby – rearing and ready to go. I’d been here so often before—those quiet moments just before you walk on stage.  The self-talk begins – with “don’t forget your lines,” “don’t trip,” and “don’t embarrass…

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