Leading people is a lot like parenting—rewarding, frustrating, and sometimes you have no idea what you’re doing. I’ve been there. That’s why this blog exists—to give you real insights, practical tools, and a few laughs along the way. Because leadership doesn’t have to be so complicated.
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Developing a Significance Mindset
What does it mean to have a “Significance Mindset”? It means to move away from a self-focus to an others-focus; from using your time, talents, and resources for your own good to using them for the good of others; to swap adding value to yourself for adding value to others; to transition from spending time on things that don’t matter to investing time in things that do; things that have meaning and purpose. Serving others rather than serving self.
JERRY’S KID: My Struggle with CMT and Where I Find Strength
Do you remember Jerry Lewis? He was a famous comedian, actor, and philanthropist. One of his most notable accomplishments was his partnership with the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is “a group of hereditary diseases characterized by progressive wasting of muscles.” Lewis helped create a telethon that raised sixty million dollars annually to help find an MD cure. Because of his partnership with the MDA, those afflicted with the disease became known as “Jerry’s Kids.”
Integrity: The Better the Person, the Better the Leader
It doesn’t take much for a house of cards to fall. That’s why leaders need to lead with integrity. If you’re the one responsible for building a strong team or a strong company, your peers and employees need to know they can trust you.
THE DREAM LIVES: 3 Powerful Lessons I Learned on the Road to Publishing
Publishing a book can be a major struggle. Discover three lessons I learned about the power of prayer, patience, and encouragement.
The Email: 3 Ways to Handle Rejection and Overcome Setbacks
Ever had one of those days when you’ve labored for hours with sweat and tears on a project but encountered a significant setback? I did this week. Here’s my story. . .
CLOSING DAY – 3 Ways to Live Out Your Faith in the Real World
If you walk the talk, defuse contentious situations, and know that the “how” matters more than the “what,” you will become a leader others will want to follow.