I draw on my diverse business experience to help individuals, teams, and organizations deliver superior results through leadership development and employee engagement. If you want to learn how to go beyond managing people to leading them and delivering stellar results, please subscribe to my blog today.
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How to Bend a Negative Performance Trend
Dave briefed me on Giant and Matt, the candy category buyer, in the car ride to our appointment. He told me that Matt was one of the most stringent buyers in the Northeast. In his opinion, Matt was arrogant, very demanding, and hard to get along with. He was ambitious and only approved innovation or promotions that made him look successful. No one at Hershey had been able to materially breakthrough with him…
How to Build Trust, Not Bust It
Trust is the bedrock of every strong relationship.
Let that sink in…
Trust is at the core of all personal and professional relationships. With it, you can achieve great things with others. Without it, you’ll go nowhere.
Do you remember a time when trust was absent or broken? I do.
How to Manage the Tyranny of the Urgent
One day, I was sitting in a meeting, and someone presented a priorities 2 x 2 grid. I’d seen the concept before but never used it. The presenter showed how the grid helped segment initiatives and prioritize them based on levels of urgency and importance…
Three Ways to Grow Your Influence
It’s our job to shine and influence the world around us. So, what does it mean to be salt and light, to influence? defines influence as “the power to have an important effect on someone or something. If someone influences someone else, they are changing a person or thing in an indirect but important way.” To be influential means having the ability to shape and mold people, events, or the environment around you. Influence is leadership.
How to Grow Your Influence through Insights
Why are analytical skills so essential and a critical part of influencing? W. Edwards Deming, the father of Total Quality Management, once said, “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”
The Three Keys to Authenticity
Authenticity is the quality of being believable and genuine. It’s a critical building block to trust. Folks are attracted to someone real because they feel comfortable, safe, and respected. If people know and like you, they will believe you. So, how do you develop authenticity? Here are three foolproof ways…